Water Asia International


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TA-6977 REG: Strengthening Capacity to Design and Implement Climate Resilience Projects Facility - NEP-CRCMIP -...

2023-05-01 - 2023-09-28
Asian Development Bank

The national hydrologist / climate change specialist was responsible to prepare an assessments of flood flows to support the design of small weirs for FMIS schemes. The assessment was incorporated the latest research into flood flows in small catchments under climate change and to prepare the economic evaluation and financial analysis of the CRCMIP in accordance with ADB (2017) Guidelines for the Economic Analysis of Projects


The detailed services provided by the the National Hydrologist / Climate Change Specialist were as follows:

  • Reviewed of climate research relating to peak one- and five-day rainfall events in Nepal under climate change for the years 2050 and 2100.
  • Reviewing the various consultants' agriculture and economics reports and prepare a consolidated MS Excel data base of current and with-project production costs and benefits.
  • Carried out an analysis of floods for 5 selected small rivers at the proposed FMIS Terai weirs using HEC-HMS for different return periods (50,100,500 year and PMF) incorporating the projections for climate change to 2050 and 2100.
  • Prepared guidelines for the methodology to estimate floods incorporating climate change for small rivers in the Terai to be used by the divisional engineers.
  • Based on available river flow data from DWRI and at the Chisipani in the Karnali river assess the maximum and minimum flows available to the Rajapur irrigation project for various return periods.
  • Assessed current and future abstractions for irrigation and other uses in the Lower Karnali river.
  • Identifying the project rationale for public intervention which can be based on the failure of (a) markets to adequately provide what society wants, or (b) public institutions to deliver public goods or services.
  • Helping to develop the "theory of change" for the project, which links demands/problems to be solved by the project, the project intervention, outputs, expected outcomes and impacts.
  • Identifying project alternatives. Least-cost analysis to be undertaken to identify the preferred alternative.
  • Undertaking and comparing project benefits and costs in economic terms using with-project and without-project scenarios for each major project component.
  • Assessing if the project is sustainable (if its net benefits endure throughout its life at a level sufficient to meet the economic viability criteria) in accordance with ADB's guidelines for Financial Management and Analysis of Projects 2005
  • Examined existing relevant research and climate change modelling studies of the Karnali to estimated projected changes to flow under climate change; assess the likely available flow to the Rajapur Irrigation project, including indicative estimates of water available to the east bank.
  • Supported other hydrological analyses for the CRCMIP as required.


Public sector reform


Institutional Strengthening & Restructuring
Feasibility study
