Description of actual services provided in the assignment:
Objectives of the Assignment:
The TRTA is required to support the government in preparing the ensuing project that meets the project readiness criteria. The TRTA consulting firm will work closely with the assigned government counterpart staff to support: (i) the preparation of project feasibility studies, including procedure and criteria to identify and develop subprojects; (ii) review, enhancement, and quality assurance of detailed project design; (iii) prepare bid documents (for the goods, works, and nonconsulting and consulting services); (iv) frameworks, procedures and templates for the remaining goods, works and non-consulting and consulting services packages; (iii) safeguard documents in accordance with ADB's Safeguards Policy Statement 2009; (iv) required environmental and social due diligence; (v) documents to support the EA with project start-up activities such as procurement of advance work packages and recruitment of project implementation support consultants; and (vi) appropriate implementing arrangements. Adopting a fully consultative process, they will design outputs that meet the stated impact and outcome of the project. They will prepare all the documents required to meet readiness criteria and support ADB's processing and approval of the project. They will also provide start-up support to the government to mobilize implementation consultants and take advance implementation actions.
Scope of Work:
The scope of the consulting services is to design the ensuing project and conduct feasibility and due diligence. The detail activities are listed as below: