Water Asia International


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TA-6977 REG: Strengthening Capacity to Design and Implement Climate Change Project Facility – CRLLP TA...

2023-04-05 - 2024-05-31
Asian Development Bank

Description of actual services provided in the assignment:

Objectives of the Assignment:

The TRTA is required to support the government in preparing the ensuing project that meets the project readiness criteria. The TRTA consulting firm will work closely with the assigned government counterpart staff to support: (i) the preparation of project feasibility studies, including procedure and criteria to identify and develop subprojects; (ii) review, enhancement, and quality assurance of detailed project design; (iii) prepare bid documents (for the goods, works, and nonconsulting and consulting services); (iv) frameworks, procedures and templates for the remaining goods, works and non-consulting and consulting services packages; (iii) safeguard documents in accordance with ADB's Safeguards Policy Statement 2009; (iv) required environmental and social due diligence; (v) documents to support the EA with project start-up activities such as procurement of advance work packages and recruitment of project implementation support consultants; and (vi) appropriate implementing arrangements. Adopting a fully consultative process, they will design outputs that meet the stated impact and outcome of the project. They will prepare all the documents required to meet readiness criteria and support ADB's processing and approval of the project. They will also provide start-up support to the government to mobilize implementation consultants and take advance implementation actions.


Scope of Work:

The scope of the consulting services is to design the ensuing project and conduct feasibility and due diligence. The detail activities are listed as below:

  • Assess the conformity of the proposed project with the government's (national and provincial) overall sector policies, plans and strategies; international commitments; and institutional and fiscal arrangements.
  • Assess the adequacy of gender/GESI, climate change, disaster risk management, water and watershed policy, regulatory frameworks, and institutional arrangements for developing community-based natural resources and water management.
  • Assess the adequacy of the forest, pastureland, wetland policy, ecotourism regulatory frameworks, and institutional arrangements to enhance nature-based business opportunities.
  • Recommend any specific needs for changes/adjustments to the policy/regulatory frameworks/institutional arrangements to enhance the sustainability of subsector development, including increasing resilience to climate change and climate-induced natural hazards.
  • Review implementation arrangement and identify institutional strengthening capacity-building interventions
  • Conduct inception mission, and workshop.
  • Conduct a detailed “system-wide” climate vulnerability and adaptation assessment.
  • Develop and conduct spatial-multi criteria assessment to select target geographic clusters based on the climate change vulnerability and adaptation, watershed, hydrological, and socioeconomic assessments.
  • Develop criteria for selecting key nature-based commodity and service value chains (at least 5) to be supported by the project, based on medicinal and aromatic plants and non-timber forest products, biomass-based energy from forest residue, and ecotourism, covering approximately 30 municipalities
  • Research and analyze community-based business opportunities and challenges (in forest pasture and wetland products, forest residue, medicinal and aromatic plants, and ecotourism) in terms of profitability and supply and demand considering connectivity and transport network, logistics, and infrastructure gaps.
  • Based on key selection criteria, propose at least 5 potential commodities and services for the value chain.
  • Undertake value chain assessment for key commodities and services (at least 5) and identify constraints and opportunities to improve efficiencies.
  • Prepare subproject typology and selection criteria for 8-10 subwatersheds covering approximately 30 municipalities.
  • Prepare a comprehensive list of solutions and best practices related to climate change adaptation and disaster risk management pertinent to catchment management and livelihoods enhancement to be incorporated in subprojects.
  • Finalize the scope of the overall project and select subprojects for the appraisal.
  • Conduct field visits, and participatory rural appraisals, and consultation workshops with the active participation of government, civil societies, and community representatives to validate issues and solutions.
  • Assess the need to establish new or strengthen existing watershed and local level community development groups that could participate in subproject development and implementation.
  • Assess opportunities for integrated and better land and water resources management for climate resilience and disaster risk reduction.
  • Assess opportunities for community group-based businesses and value chain engagement.
  • Complete feasibility study of economically viable subprojects, including technical, economic, financial, and social due diligence and best practices.
  • Review, enhancement, and quality assurance of detailed designs
  • Finalize implementing arrangements and implementation schedule of the overall project.
  • Finalize cost estimates and financing arrangements for the overall project.
  • Identify additional funding opportunities and draft a funding proposal.
  • Prepare financial due diligence documents, including financial management assessments of the executive agency and implementation agencies.
  • Prepare bid documents for each sample subproject.
  • Draft the government development project proposal.
  • Assist in preparing loan documentation.
  • Provide start-up support to executing agency and implementing agencies.


Climate & Environment


Institutional Strengthening & Restructuring
Environmental & Social Studies
Feasibility study
Survey & Investigation
