Formulated country road maps for flood and drought risk management and mitigation; reviewed the damages caused and inundated parts by past floods of Mekong River in Vientiane; prepared the F/DRM investment sub-projects for ADB funding; performed technical due diligence and conducted feasibility studies of the investment sub-projects (flood control and irrigation projects). Performed the feasibility study of the road along the bank of Mekong River, with sluice and flap gates at cross-drains, designed to function as a dike for Mekong’s flood control in Vientiane, Laos.
Key activities: (i) identifying and prioritizing flood and drought issues in each country (including CAM, LAO, VIE and THA) through the development of a regional and national road-maps for improved flood and drought risk management; (ii) developing a prioritized program of structural and nonstructural FRM and DRM interventions in each country; and (iii) preparing feasibility studies for national investment programs in Cambodia, Lao PDR, and Viet Nam based on the county-specific prioritized program of interventions.